Online Video Marketing- Why it is the future of successful business marketing

It is evident from the advertisements we see on the internet that the power of digital media has grown rapidly in recent years and is foreseeable that it will only grow stronger and stronger year on year. Often when now entering a website a video starts playing in the background without any user interference. As it is said ‘’Actions speak louder than words’’ showing that the power of video in the modern Digital Media Landscape is getting forever more powerful than simple written media. [1] This is due to more and more business’s choosing online video adverts or even campaigns as a way to make their business public or give them a positive social image. A very recent example is Always #likeagirl campaign which has got over 55million views in the past 6months and been more successful than the company could ever have imagined putting the company in a very positive light and inspiring women at the same time. It used how #likeagirl is viewed as an insult to any adolescent girl and the impact it has on a girl’s self-esteem. The video is inspiring even to myself as an adult male and opens your eyes up to the problems associated with puberty. Therefore teenage girls, when they next see the Always brand they will feel proud about the power of women and feel an attachment to the Always brand.

This has been a very clever marketing ploy by Always and one which many companies will try to emulate in the future. It demonstrates exactly how powerful online video marketing is actually becoming. Here is a link to a video showing how online video is six times more effective than print or mail, [2]


[1] R. Sethi. [Online]. Available: . [Accessed 20 February 2015].

[2] “,” 2013. [Online]. Available:

2 thoughts on “Online Video Marketing- Why it is the future of successful business marketing

  1. Great blog, just shows how important video marketing is in today’s world. That was an excellent video campaign #likeagirl. It really does create strong brand awareness for the Always brand, with 55 million views speaking for itself!! Businesses must be aware of the positive impact of what online video marketing can do for their organisations.

    Julien Guiblain, 13435282


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